"It is good to have your name in the oldest books of the country. Our enthusiasm and commitment has built a strong bonding with this popular brand. Our services are still getting the high laud from them.

Established four decades ago, JPH is a proud company of the publishing industry. The company is unendingly serving the needs of the students by providing 100% genuine content related to their courses. The company is greatly recognized as a leading publishing house offers approximate about Five Thousand Titles to the various syllabuses of CBSE, NCERT, ICSE and Open Schooling, of all the Boards of various States, in all subjects and streams in English/Hindi mediums.
Case Study
The wonderful relationship between E-Definers Technology and JPH is 15 year old. We came into the association while this reputed company was looking for the trusted website re-designing company. Our team checked their website and after the healthy discussion, we landed on a decision of creating an e-commerce website for them. Our designers and developers came into the action, after inking the ideas& expectations from JPH, our team got engaged in the direction of giving new ecommerce look to their running site using latest technology. Finally, a brand new ecommerce website came out from the store which got high applaud by JPH. The story doesn't end here the following points are also included which makes our bonding more strong-
- Provided Mobile Application Development Services.
- Provided Facebook Marketing
- Excellent Web Support
- Provided various social media marketing activities.
Want us to work together?
Our team of specialist listen all the queries raised by you whether related to marketing, developing, complaints or any other information you want to know. We never leave any opportunity to talk to our customers evenif you are out of time. View Company Profile!